Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I'm growing fast and furious!

My fetus is now 9+ Weeks Old! I'm the size of a prune but not nearly as shriveled! :) I'm looking more like a human and my knees and ankles are forming and I'm pretty sure they will be better then mommy and daddys. My elbows can flex and I will be moving around very soon. I'll try to be very careful to not hurt my mommy's organs while I'm in here. The tooth bud fairy has also came to visit me and I'm forming little chompers under my gums. But it won't be until I am 6mths old until I can use them.

This week has been exciting for so many people. The 3 of us went to CO/WY to see my uncle Jerry get married and we stayed at my Aunt Kristen's house. She asked how things were going with the baby making and Daddy couldn't hold it in. Her and uncle Jared were really happy for us. Kristen has been giving Daddy lots of tips and even suggested a few things to Mommy about getting me here sooner. She was so happy that her suggestions worked and I am on my way. They are going to be fun to visit when I get older. I will have 3 NEW cousins to play with.

Grandma and Grandpa Southworth were also in CO for the wedding and Daddy told them the very first chance he got. We were talking about their new job and and Daddy said that we are going to have to go get a vital record for a birth-certificate soon. Mommy wasn't sure what that meant but Grandma and Grandpa sure did! They were so excited and had smiles from ear to ear. They couldn't believe it and felt so happy for Daddy. They know how long he has wanted me to come to earth! We are going to have lots of great memories together. I can't wait for them to teach me all the songs they know and I hope I can learn to play a guitar just like them.

After the wedding we went to dinner and Daddy was sitting next to Grandma Darling. They hardly see each other and he knew this was the perfect time to let her know the exciting news. Her reaction was tearful and overwhelming with emotion. Daddy had told her to try to keep it quiet because not everyone in the room knew about me, but she was so happy and laughed and cried and buried her head in her hands and I knew just how excited she is about me. It made me smile inside. I know I'm going to be loved.

The next morning the 3 of us and G&G Southworth met up with the newlyweds and Aunt Angie and Jared for breakfast. After breakfast Daddy was being silly and asked them if they like cats. Neither of them did but he said he had a cat to let out of the bag. He told them about me and they were so excited. They all had big smiles and expressed how happy they were. I'm going to have a great family and I can't wait to meet all of them.


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