Sunday, October 2, 2011

I have kissable cheeks!!!

Ive been in here for 35wks and 5 days!!! Can you believe it?!?! M & D went to get ANOTHER ultra sound yesterday in hopes of finally getting a better look at me. They were hoping 3rd time was a going to be the charm, but I am so comfy in my little place that I still haven't moved. Mommy's placenta is a built in pillow... why would I move? Unfortunately for them, this means that they can't get a great look at me! I guess they will just have to wait another 4wks 2 days. They were able to get a small but detectable profile of me. My cheeks look round full and TOTALLY KISSABLE! :) I even might have a dimple.. or so it may seem. I'm still a girl and have lots of hair. The color is still a mystery but mommy thinks it will be dark and that it will turn blonder as I get older. They were able to count the toes on one of my feet.. I have all 5! They look long like daddy's left foot! :) I've been using them to kick mommy's right side a lot lately. It's getting kind of squished in here and I have to move and kick. The ultrasound tech said I weigh about 5lb4oz. Can you believe I'm getting so big?!?! Mommy thinks I look a lot like daddy but grandma thinks I look like Mommy did. I think they are all going to be surprised when they see me, cause I think I might just look like me.. Eden Grace! :)

My aunt Heather bought a ticket to come see me from Vermont. I hope I come by the time she gets here! I want to meet her. Plus, I have a feeling she will be a good snuggler and love on me lots & lots.

baby Eden

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