Dear Eden,
I just wanted to write you to tell you how happy I am to have you in our family. Its hard to picture life without you and I can't remember what we ever did before you enhanced our lives. You make me laugh daily and smile with every thought of you. I live to see you smile.
I want you to be a happy little girl and grow up to be a happy young woman. My dream is to provide you with the tools you will need to be successful in all you do and to find pure happiness. I want you to know your worth, to know you're loved, and to know that anything you dream can be yours. My heart hurts to know that you will hurt, have disappointment and that you will struggle at certain times in your life. I just want to hold you near my heart and protect you from all I can. But you are strong and determined and I will keep you that way.
You truly brighten our lives with your passion, your strength, your gentleness, your silliness, and all things Eden. You have a strong spirit that knows what she wants and is very confident in getting it. Your opinions are strong and your will is even stronger and growing more so every day. I know that my approach must be gentle and loving and patient; for you are a young woman in a toddlers body and I want to encourage your spirit to soar.
You will soar Eden. You are a social butterfly. You LOVE people. Young or old. You crave to be around others and welcome them freely. You smile, wave, reach up to those that gaze your way. People can't help but love you. You welcome others into your life and they want to stay. This quality I adore in you. I love your trusting and loving nature and I hope I can always encourage that quality in you and to teach you to listen to your intuition, without adding fear.
Your gentle side warms me. I melt and grasp to hang on to those moments. I love when your head rest on my shoulder- although brief- it recharges me. It makes me squeeze you a little tighter. Its also in the moments when you reach up and grab my hand/finger and then look for daddy's for your remaining hand and we follow your lead, its those random moments you seek me and with your lower lip stretched, you wait for me to return your kiss with a "mmmm" sound encasing the moment. Its in the sweet patting of your tiny little hand on my back or legs that reassure me that you know who I am and we are soul-mates. Its these sweet little moments Eden that make me want to absorb you and keep you here with me, just like this... forever.
I love you forever my cute baby
Happy Valentines Day