Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A few video's of my latest tricks


TT Important lessons #1

I want to thank my cousin Christianna for teaching me a important lesson..
Picking my nose...

And eating it...

Baby Eden


 I can't believe I've been a part of my family for 6 whole months. I'm learning so much and M&D are enjoying every second with me.  Here are a few things I'm doing.

- I'm sleeping in my OWN room and my own BIG crib. I love it! I roll around and love exploring from one end to another. I sleep throughout the whole night and love to stretch out. I'm so glad mommy finally let me move from the cramped bassinet!
-Mom started giving me baby food although I don't really like it yet.  I like to arch myself back to avoid the food entering my mouth. Mom will occasionally trick me and give me a toy for me to chew on or make me laugh and when I open my mouth she sneaks it in. I did really good eating carrots with daddy and was even holding the spoon myself. That was fun but I don't really like carrots anymore!
-I'm sitting up on my own and can reach forward and side to side while remaining balanced
- I'm rolling all around the place.  WITH NO HELP! Side to side.. back and forth.. and although I'm not crawling.. this system helps me move from one place to another.
-I'm TALKING sooo much.. mostly it's just jabbers and I play with my sounds and occasionally make a real word.
-I've found my tongue and know how to use it. I spit all over the place and I love the vibration on my lips.
- I laugh a lot and smile all the time.  Mostly I laugh when M&D try to eat my juicy little thighs and tummy.  I like to smile at strangers and I LOVE when they tell me how cute I am!
- I'm cruising all over the place in my little "car"I like to chase daddy around the kitchen.
- I love to jump. M&D bought me a jumper that they hang in the doorways and I can jump for so long. But now my favorite thing is to jump when mommy and daddy are holding me. I CAN'T stop. I definitively give their arms a workout.

I had a 6mth Dr appointment yesterday and the Dr said I was doing really well. Here are my stats
Age: 6 months
Date: 4/24/12
Length: 27.75" (97%)
Weight: 19lbs 11oz. (96%)
Head Circ: 42.6cm (52%)
I also got my booster shots.  I only cried for a few seconds and then daddy gave me some love and mommy distracted me with sticking my toes in the running water in the waiting room. I forgot about the pain and was back to being my smiley self.

Being six months is fun because I get so much love and make so many people smile. I'm sure getting a lot of attention with my smile. I think I'll keep using it! I love to be around people and be outside. I can't wait to play with all my neighbors and be able to run and keep up with them.

Baby Eden
(below example)

Friday, April 13, 2012

Important Message

Dear Sweet Eden,

Due to your two bottom teeth coming in I regret to inform you that you will no longer get milk FRESH from the dairy.

Your loving Mommy