I am now 22 weeks along and weighing 1lb. I'm growing fast this month. Mommy knows this cause she can no longer hide her belly. She even started wearing her maternity cloths. I can finally hear things going on around me. My favorite is to hear daddy's voice talking to me and singing his made-up songs. I also hear M&D laughing a lot. They seem to be having a lot of fun.
I'm getting so big & strong that Mommy thinks she feels me moving the last couple of days. A few times she has watched her tummy move and is almost convinced it is me. So much so, she told daddy to put his hand on her a couple of times but I was a little shy for him... maybe he will feel me in a couple more days! :)
I have a lot more growing to do this next 18 weeks so I'll be sure to keep you updated.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
My 20 week Check-up
(look at the picture in a mirror and it will say 20) :)
M&D scheduled for my 20wk check-up at the hospital, and were equally excited and nervous. They were hoping I was still a girl after 6 weeks since they saw me last. The good news is.. I AM! I also got measured to see if I was growing the way I should and everything looks great! My little heart is strong, and all more organs look just the right size. Even my feet and arms and legs are growing and moving just the way they should. Things are going so good in fact.. that I may be coming earlier then expected. My new ETA is...... October 31st! Yup, thats right... a Halloween due date. Mommy isn't to excited for that. She wants me to have my own day to celebrate my birthday, so she hopes that I come early or late.. she will just have to wait to see..
I've been moving a lot in here, and I practice moving all the time. Mommy still doesn't think she can feel me & the Dr said it is because my placenta is lining the top right over her stomach and that she won't be able to feel me until I'm bigger and stronger! So maybe a few more weeks. M & D are looking forward to it! I am growing bigger and stronger and mommy is getting bigger too. You can finally see that she is expecting me in another 18 weeks!!!!!!!
M&D scheduled for my 20wk check-up at the hospital, and were equally excited and nervous. They were hoping I was still a girl after 6 weeks since they saw me last. The good news is.. I AM! I also got measured to see if I was growing the way I should and everything looks great! My little heart is strong, and all more organs look just the right size. Even my feet and arms and legs are growing and moving just the way they should. Things are going so good in fact.. that I may be coming earlier then expected. My new ETA is...... October 31st! Yup, thats right... a Halloween due date. Mommy isn't to excited for that. She wants me to have my own day to celebrate my birthday, so she hopes that I come early or late.. she will just have to wait to see..
I've been moving a lot in here, and I practice moving all the time. Mommy still doesn't think she can feel me & the Dr said it is because my placenta is lining the top right over her stomach and that she won't be able to feel me until I'm bigger and stronger! So maybe a few more weeks. M & D are looking forward to it! I am growing bigger and stronger and mommy is getting bigger too. You can finally see that she is expecting me in another 18 weeks!!!!!!!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
I'm one lucky little girl
So many people are excited to meet me. M got a package in the mail from her friend Lara in CT. She is so excited for me to come and bought me my first stuffed animals. A nice soft bunny and a pretty pink giraffe.
My cousins Desmond and Zoe also thought of me and bought me their favorite book. I can't wait for them to read it to me.
Grandma Simkins couldn't resist these cute little onsies while she was shopping in Las Vegas for Aunt Jeanie's birthday. Won't they look so cute on me?
M&D visited Aunt Hailey in CA last weekend and even Hailey couldn't resist thinking of me. Look at the fun outfits she bought. I will have to model for her when she comes to visit.
Dad took part of all the fun too, and when they stopped at Children's place outlet in CA he went ahead and bought my entire 2012 summer wardrobe! I have a feeling I might be Daddy's little girl.
M likes getting all these fun things for me. She loves to imagine me in them. Time has gone by so fast until now. I hope the second half of this growing stuff goes by just as fast. I know they are excited to meet me!
My cousins Desmond and Zoe also thought of me and bought me their favorite book. I can't wait for them to read it to me.
Grandma Simkins couldn't resist these cute little onsies while she was shopping in Las Vegas for Aunt Jeanie's birthday. Won't they look so cute on me?
M&D visited Aunt Hailey in CA last weekend and even Hailey couldn't resist thinking of me. Look at the fun outfits she bought. I will have to model for her when she comes to visit.
Dad took part of all the fun too, and when they stopped at Children's place outlet in CA he went ahead and bought my entire 2012 summer wardrobe! I have a feeling I might be Daddy's little girl.
M likes getting all these fun things for me. She loves to imagine me in them. Time has gone by so fast until now. I hope the second half of this growing stuff goes by just as fast. I know they are excited to meet me!
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